Sunday, January 9, 2011

Board Update

Good Afternoon:

I just wanted to let you know that my website is currently under construction. Later this month I will be unveiling my new and improved website at

If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.


On January 3rd attended City Earth Energy Environment Committee Meeting. The city’s recycling program is doing extremely well. In 2009 the total tonnage of cans, glass, newspapers, and plastic recycled was 778.19 tons. Preliminary numbers for 2010 are 1073.32 tons, which is an increase of 37%. Committee discussed ways to try and make the new YMCA a green building. The committee also received an update on the energy audit and NOPEC grant project from the administration.

Below is a copy of a recent press release that went out about the upcoming roundtable discussion that myself and a school board member from North Olmsted have helped organize. I am very excited about this roundtable and the opportunity to start the conversation about the upcoming state budget and what can be done to preserve funding for education.

School Districts in Ohio’s 24th Senate District Meeting for a Roundtable Discussion on Preserving Funding in Next State Budget

January 5, 2011 . . . School districts in Ohio’s 24th Senate District will be meeting for an Educational Roundtable Discussion on the topic of Preserving our Funding in the Next State Budget on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 7pm at the North Olmsted School District’s Administrative Building, 27425 Butternut Ridge Rd., North Olmsted, Ohio 44070.

The roundtable discussion is the brain child of North Olmsted School Board Member Terry Groden and North Royalton School Board Member Dan Langshaw, who have teamed up to organize the event. With so much at stake in the next biennium state budget for school districts, the two school board members looked beyond city boundaries in hopes to work together towards finding common solutions with the growing budget concerns for education funding in the state. “It’s a situation where we hope to have strength in numbers and have the state listen to our concerns about education,” said Groden in a recent interview with the West Life newspaper.

School Board Members, Superintendents, Treasurers and key stakeholders from more than 16 school districts from: Bay Village, Berea, Bedford, Brecksville-Broadview Heights, Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Heights, Mayfield, North Olmsted, North Royalton, Olmsted Falls, Orange, Rocky River, Solon, Strongsville, Westlake, and Cuyahoga County Educational Service Center will ask questions of a diverse panel of experts in school funding, state budget, education, and legislative affairs. “So much is on the line this year with the state budget,” said Langshaw. “Incoming State Senate President Tom Niehaus has indicated to districts like mine that we are facing a proposed 15 percent to 20 percent cuts. This budget is going to be a fight and it is a positive sign when this many school districts can come together and learn what we can do as elected officials and key education stakeholders.”

The format for the roundtable will include a question and answer session with the expert panel featuring prepared questions from participating school districts and impromptu questions from members of the audience towards the end of the program. The expert panel will feature: Zach Schiller from Policy Matters Ohio, Executive Director John Begala from the Center for Community Solutions, Michelle Francis from the Ohio School Boards Association, Director of Governmental Development Tom Ash from the Buckeye Association of School Administrators, Executive Director Anthony Podojil from The Alliance for High Quality Education, Treasurer Tim Pickana from the Solon City School District, and State Senator Tom Patton for the 24th Ohio Senate District.

Newly elected State Representative Nan Baker (16th District), Marlene Anielski (17th District), and Mike Dovilla (18th District) and their staff have also been invited to attend. The roundtable is open to the public and members of the media. For more information please contact roundtable organizer Dan Langshaw at 440-596-0078.


The School Board met on January 6th for its’ Board Work Session. The Board got a another update on the status of the fundraising efforts for the stadium project and an overall update on the entire project. On Monday the bleachers will come down to kick off the next phase of the project. As a result of the project the district 69 buses will need a new to place to be store for when the stadium is completed. The Board received an update on efforts to possibly relocate the storage of our buses to the City of North Royalton’s compost site as a short term solution. The Board discussed what options the district has in regards to snow days and is exploring the idea of doing a 2 hr delay if we happen to use our last snow day up. Also the Board received an update regarding a change in policy for transporting students to day care providers that will take effect in the 2011-2012 school year and discussed the effects of the change and possible alternatives. The Board discussed possible changes to lunch prices for next year and options for food services. At the last board work session I request that the board reviewed the Board’s current committees and assignments so that the Board could be more effective (attached is a copy of my statement). Superintendent Vittardi, President Reinhard, and Vice President Reinkober conducted a review of the Board’s committees and reported on their findings back to the board. As a result the Board will have board members assigned to the following committees: City Recreation/Building and Grounds, Curriculum, Family & Civic Engagement, Financial Advisory, North Royalton Educational Foundation, Policy, and Transportation. The Board will no longer have a Board member assigned to the City of North Royalton Earth Energy Environment Committee, School Green Team, and Wellness Committees. Although the Board will no longer have a board member on those committees, the school district’s administrators will be providing updates on important things occurring to the school board instead. The Board went into Executive Session for the purpose to discuss the employment of personnel and matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules of state statues. The Board also reviewed the Organizational Meeting and Regular Meeting agenda items, and such other matters that came before the Board. Finally Ed Flanagan and Tom Giffles gave a brief presentation for a board self evaluation and best practices workshop.


This week there are various meetings and events.

Organizational Meeting and January Regular School Board Meeting on January 10th at 7pm @ NRHS Community Rm, 14713 Ridge Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133.

North Royalton Education Foundation Meeting on January 11th @ 3:30pm at the Board of Education Office Conference Room, 6579 Royalton Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133.

The next SCENE (School Community Exchange Night for Education) will be held on January 13th at 6:30pm at Early Childhood Center, 9543 Broadview Rd, Broadview Heights, OH 44147. SCENE is an informal opportunity for questions and answers about our North Royalton City School District. Hosted by Principal Julie Bogden and Superintendent Ed Vittardi.

State of the Schools Breakfast
January 19, 2011, 8:00am at Flair Restaurant & Event Center, 12841 State Road, North Royalton, OH 44133.Come hear Mr. Vittardi give his annual State of the Schools report that will highlight progress that has been made with the district’s five year strategic plan, increased communication and community engagement, financial update, student achievements, as well as the Stadium Foundation project. Cost is $12 for North Royalton Chamber of Commerce members and $15 for non-members. To make a reservation, call the Chamber of Commerce office at 440-237-6180 or email

Facilities Committee Meeting on January 19th @ 7 PM at the High School Media Center, 14713 Ridge Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133. Feel free to invite anyone you may think that has an interest. If you have any questions please contact the Facilities Committee Chair John Ranucci at 440-237-8480.

Monthly Coffee with School Board Member Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton School District, you are invited to attend my next monthly constituent coffee on January 31st at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road in North Royalton from 6pm to 8pm. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. Hope to see you there!

My Contact Info
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
North Royalton School Board Member

“Putting Students First”

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