Sunday, July 17, 2011

Board Update

Good Evening:

If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton School District, you are
invited to attend my next monthly constituent coffee this Thursday, July 21st at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road in North Royalton from 6pm to 8pm. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me.


The School Board met on July 11th for its’ July Regular School Board Meeting. Some highlights from the meeting. The board had several guest. The Board recognized members of the North Royalton City School District business partnership who were recently honored by the Ohio School Boards Association’s Business Honor Roll lists. Board approved the reappointment of Rich McIntosh as Treasurer of the North Royalton School District effective August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2015. By a 4-1 vote the Board approved the Northeast Ohio Conference Salary Schedule for Officials and the North Royalton H.S./M.S. Salary Schedule for Athletic Event Workers for the 2011-2012 school year. The Board approved a resolution to proceed with a 4.4 mil renewal levy for the November 8th ballot. It is important to note that this renewal levy will not raise taxes. The Board approved Supplemental Contracts for the 2011-2012 school year by a 4-1 vote. Supplemental Contracts are agreements to pay teachers and staff members for additional duties such as: coaching, bus duty, grade level representative, club advisor, department head, and etc. As a district we spend about $622, 691 in this area. This area of spending has come along way since I came on to the board. I fought very hard last year to reform these contracts because they were a mess. I felt so strongly about it last year that I did not vote for it and abstained. My fellow Board Member Cheryl Hannan and I both expressed that there were still some areas within the supplemental contracts that could be trimmed more. After some debate which you can listen to on the audio recording below, I end up voting for the supplemental contracts this year only because there are some great opportunities for our students to be involved in a wide variety of activities. I also wanted to give some of the reforms that have been made since last year a chance, but if no additional changes are made next school year, I believe will not support them until we can reduce some more of the redundancy that is still there and a have a deeper review of which ones are even necessary. Although Mrs. Hannan voted against the supplemental contracts, I was very much on the fence to join her. Board approved a resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding with the North Royalton Athletic Boosters. Also the Board approved a resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding with the North Royalton Band Boosters. The Board approved also various other agenda items, and such other matters that came before the Board.

Here is a link to the Audio Recording of the July 11th Regular Board Meeting:

More ways to get Info
North Royalton City Schools has expanded efforts to communicate with the community through regular e-communications and hope you will sign up for our e-blasts on the home page of the district’s new website at Click on SIGN UP TODAY in the STAY CONNECTED portion of the website. The district plans on using this new form of communication to update residents and school families on upcoming events, programs, and announcements. When community members sign up, they will have the choice to get messages from the district as a whole or individual school buildings.

New State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Stan W. Heffner was appointed as Ohio’s 36th superintendent of public instruction. The State Board of Education voted this past week to make Heffner’s interim position permanent. He has served as interim superintendent of public instruction since May, following former state superintendent Deborah S. Delisle’s resignation in April. Prior to that, Heffner had served as associate superintendent for curriculum and assessment since 2004. As state superintendent, Heffner will lead the state’s elementary and secondary education system, which serves 1.8 million students and employs 190,000 educators.


This week there are various meetings and events.

Coffee with School Board Member Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton School District, you are
invited to attend School Board Member Dan Langshaw’s next monthly constituent coffee on July 21st at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road in North Royalton from 6pm to 8pm. Dan holds these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to Dan. You may also contact Dan Langshaw via e-mail if you wish at or call 440-596-0078.

Weekly E-mail Updates
If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list.

Follow me on Twitter or on my Blog
You can follow me on Twitter @Langshaw4board. I also have a blog at

My Contact Info
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
North Royalton School Board Member

“Putting Students First”

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